“Data Security in Healthcare: Whatever Happened to Blockchain & the Emerging Impact of Artificial Intelligence?”
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HealthTrust presents…“Data Security in Healthcare: Whatever Happened to Blockchain & the Emerging Impact of Artificial Intelligence?”
As the healthcare sector is increasingly reliant on technology and digital transformation, the handling of vast amounts of sensitive data requires robust security measures. New technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence may have the potential to influence data security, workflows and decision-making. However, their real-world clinical and operational implementation has remained limited. During this session, an overview of relevant data and data security concepts will be presented before diving into the current state of literature on the use of and security considerations for blockchain and artificial intelligence in healthcare.
Learning Objectives for Pharmacists, Nurses, Supply Chain professionals & Healthcare Executives | At the end of this session, participants should be able to:
- Recall fundamental concepts of data security related to healthcare
- Recognize Blockchain concepts and data security considerations in healthcare
- Identify Artificial Intelligence (AI) concepts and data security considerations for healthcare
Learning Objectives for Pharmacy Techs | At the end of this session, participants should be able to:
- Recall fundamental concepts of data security related to healthcare
- Recognize Blockchain concepts and data security considerations in healthcare
- Identify Artificial Intelligence (AI) concepts and data security considerations for healthcare
Matthew J. Hustad, PharmD | PGY-2 Pharmacy Informatics Residency | HCA Management Services / University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), Nashville, TN
Target Audience: Pharmacists, Pharmacy Techs, Nurses, Supply Chain professionals & Healthcare Executives
CE Credit: Approved for Pharmacists, Pharmacy Techs, Nurses, Supply Chain professionals & Healthcare Executives
This program is approved for CPEs by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). Attendees of this program may earn 1.0 CPE Contact Hours. Belmont University College of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. The Universal Activity Numbers for this activity are 0863-9999-25-004-L04-P and 0863-9999-25-004-L04-T . Pfiedler Education is a division of AORN, provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP13019, for 1 contact hour. 1.0 contact hours approved for Nurses.
AHRMM will offer 1.0 CPEs for those who attended the entire webinar and complete the online evaluation.
By attending the Data Security in Healthcare: Whatever Happened to Blockchain & the Emerging Impact of Artificial Intelligence? webinar offered by HealthTrust participants may earn up to 1 ACHE Qualified Education Hours toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation. AHRMM will offer 1.0 CPEs for those who attended the webinar and completete the evaluation.
Belmont University CPHS Policy on Privacy & Confidentiality:
- All registration information for CPE activities collected in the registration system and/or on paper (e.g., sign-in sheet) is kept confidential and used only for the purpose of awarding CPE credit.
- Archived recordings of CPE activities are edited so that only the presenter’s shared screen and image are visible. Comments entered into a chat box during the CPE activity will be excluded from the recording whenever possible.
- CPHS does not share with any third party (including ineligible companies) or its agents the names or contact information of CPE learners without the explicit consent of the individual learner. If a third-party requests that information be shared with CPHS CPE participants, CPHS will receive the requested information from the third party and share it with CPE participants via CPHS’s own communication methods.
Note about CE credit: If you plan to obtain credit for a live session, stay until the end of the presentation to receive the verification code you will need to obtain the continuing education credit. CE credit is individual. No group credit is available. Each person must register for a webinar and attend the webinar in its entirety in order to receive an email after the event with instructions on how to apply for continuing education credit. Attendees should not share the code or forward the email to others who did not actually attend the program. If they are not able to be verified on our webinar provider reports and registration list they will not receive credit. If you are joining only by phone, you will not be eligible for credit. You must also log in and join the visual portion of the webinar to be part of our CE provider-required reporting.