

“Preventing Bloodstream Infections in the Vascular Access Patient: Addressing Intraluminal and Extraluminal VAD Contamination”

HMP Global and 3M Health Care*, Medical Solutions Division present..."Preventing Bloodstream Infections in the Vascular Access Patient: Addressing Intraluminal and Extraluminal VAD Contamination" Learning Objectives  |  At the end of this session, participants should be able to: Identify various sources of contamination that increase risks leading to catheter bloodstream infection Explore clinical challenges associated with VAD […]


On-Demand Program: “Leveraging Compression Therapy for Reducing Lower Extremity Edema”

3M*Healthcare Academy and HMP Education present..."Leveraging Compression Therapy for Reducing Lower Extremity Edema" Join our presenters to discuss strategies for Reducing Lower Extremity Edema. Learning Objectives  |  At the end of this session, participants should be able to: Recognize the critical importance of compression therapy as the cornerstone of VLU management Review best practices in compression […]


“Why Wound Care?” on-demand programs for Practicing Clinicians

HMP* presents 40..."Why Wound Care?" on-demand programs for Practicing Clinicians 6.5 million U.S. patients are affected by non-healing wounds each year. With our aging population and the increase in diabetes and obesity these numbers will continue to rise. The need for specialized wound care clinicians has never been greater. Over 40 presentations on key wound […]


On-demand program: “Head to Toe Team Approach to Wound Management: Harnessing Innovations in Negative Pressure Wound Therapy”

3M Health Care, Medical Solutions Division* and HMP Global Learning Network*  present...an on-demand program: "Head to Toe Team Approach to Wound Management: Harnessing Innovations in Negative Pressure Wound Therapy" Learning Objectives  |  After participating in this activity, learners should be better able to: Examine the latest innovations in negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) Describe a holistic approach […]


On-demand program: “Innovations in Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT): A Hands-On Skills Lab”

Solventum, Medical Surgical Business* and HMP Global Learning Network*  present...an on-demand program: "Innovations in Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT): A Hands-On Skills Lab" Learning Objectives  |  After participating in this activity, learners should be better able to: Review the mechanism of action for NPWT Explore the economics and evolution of NPWT and innovations such as hybrid drapes […]


On Demand Program: “Transforming Skin Integrity: Managing MASD, IAD & Other Skin Injuries with Scientific-based Strategies”

3M Health Care,* Center for Healing Solutions* and HMP Education  present an On-demand program, "Transforming Skin Integrity: Managing MASD, IAD & Other Skin Injuries with Scientific-based Strategies" Learning Objectives  |  After participating in this activity, learners should be better able to: Recognize the critical importance of maintaining skin integrity for clinical outcomes and cost of care […]


On-Demand Program: “Leveraging Collagen with Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose (ORC) & Silver & NPWT”

3M* Health Care & HMP Education* present an…On-demand program: "Leveraging Collagen with Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose (ORC) & Silver & NPWT" Learning Objectives  |  After participating in this activity, learners should be better able to: Examine the clinical impact of Collagen with Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose (ORC) and Silver in the wound environment Explain the clinical significance of […]

“Confronting Challenges in Perinatal & Neonatal Care”

Abbott Nutrition* Health Institute (ANHI) presents..."Confronting Challenges in Perinatal & Neonatal Care" Learning Objectives  |  At the end of this session, participants should be able to: Define the types of perinatal anxiety disorders and identify treatment options. Describe the essential elements of a post discharge feeding plan in the term, late preterm and preterm infant. Discuss the unique […]


On-demand program: “The Triad of Patient Preparation”

3M Health Care Academy* presents…an on-demand program, "THE TRIAD OF PATIENT PREPARATION: Nasal Decolonization, Skin Preparation & Incisional Drapes A Comprehensive Approach to Reducing Surgical Site Infections & Complications" This is a complimentary 1-hour CME/CNE/AAPA/AANP-Accredited On-Demand Webcast, designed for infusion and vascular access nurses, infection preventionists and other healthcare professionals involved in infection prevention. Learning Objectives  […]


On-demand Program: “Head to Toe Team Approach to Wound Management: Harnessing Innovations in Negative Pressure Wound Therapy”

3M Health Care, Medical Solutions Division* and HMP Global Learning Network*  present...an on-demand program: "Head to Toe Team Approach to Wound Management: Harnessing Innovations in Negative Pressure Wound Therapy" Learning Objectives  |  After participating in this activity, learners should be better able to: Examine the latest innovations in negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) Describe a holistic approach […]


On-demand program: “Strategies & Techniques for Transitioning NPWT Across the Continuum”

3M Health Care, Medical Solutions Division* and HMP Global Learning Network*  present...an on-demand program: "Strategies & Techniques for Transitioning NPWT Across the Continuum" Learning Objectives  |  After participating in this activity, learners should be better able to: Assess the prevalence of hospital readmissions, the economic impact, and the importance of preventing readmissions to improve wound healing Examine […]