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“Angioedema: A Review of Acute Management”


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Please Note: Continuing education credit is only available to those who attended the live session. CE credit is not available when accessing the program on demand.

HealthTrust presents…“Angioedema: A Review of Acute Management”

While most healthcare providers are aware that angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors increase the risk of angioedema, few are as familiar with the other causes of the angioedema. This is imperative as the cause of angioedema often dictates the treatment and is complicated by the lack of a well defined treatment course. Additionally, new treatment options for hereditary angioedema have also become available in recent years. Through this educational session, a foundational understanding of angioedema will be established to promote a greater comprehension of the medications available for the management of angioedema and create more informed decisions for its treatment.

Learning Objectives for Pharmacists & Nurses | At the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  1. Describe the different types of angioedema and the corresponding pathophysiologic features.
  2. Explain the mechanisms of action for medications used to treat angioedema.
  3. Identify the place in therapy of the pharmacologic options for the treatment of angioedema


Christine Withrow, PharmD, RPh  | PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Resident  |  Memorial Hospital of South Bend

Target Audience: Nurses & Pharmacists

Continuing Education Information: 1.0 contact hours approved for Nurses & Pharmacists. Belmont University College of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. The ACPE Universal Activity Number for this activity is 0863-9999-20-094-L01-P. The activity is approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit to nurses and pharmacists who attend the webinar and complete the online evaluation. California Board of Registered Nursing Approval. Pfiedler is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 14944 for 1.0 contact hour.

Note about CE credit: If you plan to obtain credit for a live session, stay until the end of the presentation to receive the verification code you will need to obtain the continuing education credit. CE credit is individual. No group credit is available. Each person must register for a webinar and attend the webinar in its entirety in order to receive an email after the event with instructions on how to apply for continuing education credit. Attendees should not share the code or forward the email to others who did not actually attend the program. If they are not able to be verified on our webinar provider reports and registration list they will not receive credit. If you are joining only by phone, you will not be eligible for credit. You must also log in and join the visual portion of the webinar to be part of our CE provider-required reporting.