”Real-World Evidence: Proven Results in Pressure Injury Prevention”
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In recognition of STOP PRESSURE ULCER DAY on 11.16.17:
Mölnlycke Health Care presents…”Real-World Evidence: Proven Results in Pressure Injury Prevention”
Dr. William Padula will discusses the results of a recent study, conducted over 1.03 million patient admissions to 38 Academic Medical Centers and published in JWOCN, “Effectiveness and Value of Prophylactic 5-Layer Foam Sacral Dressings to Prevent Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries in Acute Care Hospitals: An Observational Cohort Study.”
The presenter will explain why the results of his study strongly suggest that a hospital could expect significant clinical and financial improvement when using a sacral dressing for pressure ulcer prevention.1 The study shows a clear relationship between implementing a prophylactic sacral dressing and improved high-risk patient safety and economic outcomes.
- Padula, W. Effectiveness and Value of Prophylactic 5-Layer Foam Sacral Dressings to Prevent Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries in Acute Care Hospitals: An Observational Cohort Study. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs, 2017; 44(5) 413-419.
William Padula, M.D., assistant professor, Bloomberg School of Health Policy and Management at the Center for Health Services and Outcomes Research and at the School of Nursing at Johns Hopkins
There is no cost associated with this program.
Target audience: Nursing