Endoscopic Vein Harvest

Endoscopic vein harvesting has become a standard of care for harvesting the saphenous vein as a conduit for coronary artery bypass grafting. The procedure has replaced open vein harvesting for most patients since surgeons began using the technique in the late 1990s. Multiple studies have shown advantages in reducing leg wound infections, less leg pain, increased and sooner mobility, and improved patient satisfaction. Endoscopic radial artery harvesting was introduced in early 2000 and is also a current standard of care for harvest of the radial artery for conduit. This document provides an overview of these products and current evidence regarding their use. This category has a number of suppliers with various features available on each system. HealthTrust members have exclusive access to a matrix profiling these features. It can be found within the contract package on the Member Portal. If you do not have access to the Member Portal, contact your local supply chain administrator or HealthTrust Account Manager to request a copy of the matrix.