“Risk Management: Medical Devices and Point of Use Decontamination”

3M Health Care Academy* presents…“Risk Management: Medical Devices and Point of Use Decontamination” This webinar aims to assess the risks related to the processes of preparation, sterilization, storage and distribution of […]

“Risk Management Series Part 1: Risk Management in Central Sterile Services Department”

3M Healthcare Academy* presents…“Risk Management Series Part 1: Risk Management in Central Sterile Services Department” This webinar takes a broad approach to risk management in CSSD, presenting tools used to […]

“Brushing Up on Quality 2.0, Infection Control in the Dental Setting”

3M Health Care Academy* presents…”Beyond Clean” all-day educational conference: Brushing Up on Quality 2.0, Infection Control in the Dental Setting The sessions include: Using Lasers Can Help Us See the […]

“Intra-Hospital Transport of Critically Ill Patients: How to Keep Them Safe”

Saxe Communications & Philips Healthcare* present…“Intra-Hospital Transport of Critically Ill Patients: How to Keep Them Safe” Transporting a critically ill patient within the hospital is common, because of the need […]

Nurses Transforming Healthcare: Creating a Culture of Prevention

Mölnlycke Health Care presents… Nurses Transforming Healthcare: Creating a Culture of Prevention Speaker: Sue Creehan, MSN RN CWOCN, Program Manager for the Wound Care Team at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU Health), […]

“ADA From a Risk Management Perspective, or How To Avoid an ADA Lawsuit”

This presentation will cover the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) from a risk management perspective, with a focus on program and policy access and barrier removal and new construction in the built environment. Procedural aspects of the provision of goods and services to those with disabilities will be discussed, and high risk issues that invite litigation will be reviewed.

The Power of Data and Analytics in Robotic Surgical Simulation

PREVIOUSLY RECORDED: This presentation will show participants how to maximize their investment in robotic surgery through the power of data and analytics, focusing on building a robotic surgery training program that uses objective data to help improve proficiency, build privileging and credentialing programs and utilize training as part of a risk management strategy. Data utilization as a tool to implement new standards and protocols toward the goal of bringing a facility’s robotic surgeons and teams to proficiency faster and more efficiently while working to maximize ROI will also be discussed.